Progress Summit, UnConference notes

By Ben Yeoh @ 2023-07-17T12:54 (+4)

Cross post: 

This summarizes my substack post on the conference with a focus on the UnConference section (It was equally a summit on Progress and a conference on the "Great Stagnation"). There were a handful of EAs, and EA-adjacent folk I met at the summit

Short notes on Tyler Cowen's remarks 

Tyler argued that among 17 other factors he would highlight fossil fuels and machines as a driver of growth historically.  Looking forward today he see three areas of very promising progress (and that stagnation for his next period may be over) 

He urges Brits to be more optimistic. South England is still one of the only areas in the world where you can start ideas and get things done. 

In reply to the panel he also noted that the revealed preferences of immigrants still places the UK as a top 5 destination. 

UnConference section on Progress

In short, unlike traditional conferences with pre-set agendas and passive listeners, an UnConference invites all attendees to participate actively. Everyone is encouraged to propose topics, lead discussions, and contribute to conversations in a meaningful way.

While a conventional conference treats attendees like a passive audience to be entertained by the organizers, the unconference format gives everyone a say.

I’m strongly in favour of the format. 

These are the sessions that were suggested at our (short section) for UnConference:

These are some bullets on other conversations I had (the conference are the people!)

Final thoughts on the summit. There is now a slightly more Co-ordinated movement thinking about Progress studies and it’s various pillars compared to a few years ago 

It’s a good time for the young and enthused to look at this. Frontier areas of progress seems to naturally attract certain kinds of people. If you are interested in potential public life do check out Civic Future and all of the various speakers are a good point to step off into this area.  Many of the people work in frontier areas: climate, AI, and biotech.