EA Anywhere: A Year in Review

By Marisa, SamiM @ 2021-08-08T23:30 (+43)

Written by Marisa Jurczyk and Sami Mubarak

It’s been one year since we founded EA Anywhere, and our group has grown from a fortnightly, six-person discussion group to a lively community with several events per week hosting people from six continents. In this post, we’ll share some updates from our first year, including why we think EA Anywhere is important, what we’ve been working on, our demographic data, challenges, and plans for the future.

If you’re interested in getting involved with EA Anywhere, you can learn more on our website, effectivealtruismanywhere.org

We’re also accepting applications for a full-time EA Anywhere organizer. This person would work on a community-building grant from the Centre for Effective Altruism and work on strategy, event planning, and the development of other programs. Applications are open through August 21st at 11:59pm UTC. We encourage you to apply even if you’re not sure if you’d be a good fit. 

We’ve also posted an accompanying AMA post, where you can ask us questions about EA Anywhere.

What is EA Anywhere?

We generally describe EA Anywhere as a virtual “local” group for people without local groups. Our primary purpose is to provide a space for people who don’t live near or can’t attend local EA groups to engage with the community beyond interactions on Facebook groups, the EA Forum, or online conferences.  That said, we don’t restrict our group membership, and many of our attendees come from places with active local groups. 

Why EA Anywhere?

Connection to the EA community seems to be a major factor in increasing EA engagement, as well as reducing value drift. Yet according to the 2019 EA Survey, approximately 39% of people interested in EA live in cities with 10 or fewer other EAs. Without EA Anywhere, we think that many people without local groups might not have the opportunity to engage as deeply with EA, and hence might be less likely to make the most impactful decisions with their donations and careers. 

Some of our group organizers have personal experience with this. Marisa, one of our co-organizers, found out about EA before her freshman year of university through the Effective Altruism MOOC on Coursera and found the ideas intriguing. However, without money to donate, skills that seemed suited for 80,000 Hours career paths (which, at the time, were much more heavily STEM-based), or a local group, she didn’t see many opportunities to engage with the community and ended up mostly forgetting about effective altruism. A year later, she saw a volunteer advertisement for Students for High-Impact Charity and applied. Marisa attributes her experience at Students for High-Impact Charity and interacting with the members of the SHIC and Rethink Charity teams to her current level of involvement in EA. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has the capacity to volunteer for an EA organization, and EA organizations don’t have the capacity to accept as many volunteers as there are people interested in EA. Local groups, however, are generally able to absorb more people who need not be heavily committed right off the bat. We think there might be others in the community who, if not given the opportunity to engage with a local group, might miss out on the opportunity to become involved in effective altruism, and, as a result, might have decreased impact for several years, if not their entire lives.

We also think EA Anywhere has potential to become a pipeline for local group organizers. We’d love to see people join our group, meet others from their city, learn how EA groups are run, and use what they’ve learned to organize new groups themselves.

What does EA Anywhere do?

We currently run two main types of regular events:

Less regularly, we do:

Demographic Data

Our data is based on some rough estimates over the last six months and unreliable memories from the previous six months, but we hope it’ll give a general picture of what EA Anywhere has been doing. 

Overall, our data seems to show similar demographics to the overall EA community, but we acknowledge that we have more work to do on diversity and inclusion, as well as outreach to areas without a strong EA presence.


Unsurprisingly, our first year hasn’t come without challenges. Here are a few that are top of mind for us:

What’s Next?

We're in the process of hiring a full-time organizer will help us expand our capacity to offer more and better services to our members. In particular, some things we hope to have in the future are:

How you can help

Interested in helping EA Anywhere grow? Here are a few ways you can help:

Nathan Young @ 2021-08-11T19:56 (+3)

Thanks for all the work you do!

Is there a job advert I can share for the community position.

MarisaJurczyk @ 2021-08-11T20:45 (+1)

There is! Linked it in the last point now too, thanks!