What Should be Taught in Workshops for Community Builders?

By Akash @ 2021-11-15T18:41 (+15)

TLDR: What are the most important skills to teach student group organizers & community builders? Please let me know in the comments, or email me at wasil@sas.upenn.edu

I (Penn EA organizer and PhD student in psychology) have recently attended several retreats focused on community building & student group organizing.

I am interested in piloting workshops that equip student group organizers (and potentially other community builders) with useful skills. By “useful” I mean that they either:

Why might this be important?

1) Directly supporting community organizers. 

2) Creating a culture of information-sharing & support

What would these workshops look like?

My current plan is to hold them over Zoom. Each workshop would last 60-90 minutes and involve a mix of: 

Why do these need to be workshops? Could you share these lessons via forum posts?

What are some examples of topics that could be covered in workshops?

What can you do to help?

I’m grateful to Olivia Jimenez, Harry Taussig, and Henry Sleight for feedback on this idea. I’m also grateful to everyone who organized and attended community building retreats!

jessica_mccurdy @ 2021-11-16T01:23 (+12)

This is very exciting! 

I am looking into creating and running some trainings for group organizers through CEA Scalable Uni Support :).  If you or others would be interested in helping to create these, please let me know at jessica.mccurdy@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.  

I am particularly excited to hear from people who are willing to take lead on creating and running specific trainings. I think winter break is a great time for organizers to take on projects like this. For example, last winter I made the facilitator training for EAVP as a winter break project. It was a good learning opportunity for me to take ownership over a project and it turned into a helpful repeatable workshop. 

Sabrina's comment covers a lot of the trainings I would be excited to see. The one I am most excited to see soon is one to help train people to do 1-1s as these seem to be both particularly valuable to run and somewhat intimidating to do (at first!).  

Others that might be useful could be: 
* Movement building strategy and strategic prioritization for groups 
* Practicing elevator pitches for EA groups
* Applied rationality for group organizers and creating positive epistemic norms