A tool to compare the ease of operating in different countries

By Stan Pinsent @ 2023-07-28T05:58 (+5)

TLDR: I present a linear model for comparing the ease of operating a philanthropic organization in different countries. Make a copy and adjust the weights to your needs.

I am a researcher at the Center for Exploratory Altruism Research (CEARCH), but I created this tool in my own time as a personal project.

Why use it? Deciding which country to operate a charity in depends on lots of factors, some of which are fairly universal: the costs of operating, the availability of talent, and the risks of crime and corruption. This tool provides a quick way of assessing countries on these factors.

It won't be much use with more cause-specific factors like the global distribution of the problem you are trying to solve, your personal experience, or where your intervention is proven to work.

How to use it? Open the spreadsheet, make a copy and start experimenting! Some key information:

What are the limitations?

Could this be better? Let me know if you think the tool could be upgraded. Double credit if you can link to a data source that could be added.

Some trends I noticed: In the comments I'll add some of my findings from playing around with the tool for an hour or so.

Stan Pinsent @ 2023-07-28T06:16 (+1)

Some quick observations: