EA-Lokalgruppentreffen Germany 2019 - Announcement

By mxschons @ 2019-09-06T16:23 (+8)

From 03. to 06. October 2019 this year's german EA-Lokalgruppentreffen will take place in Cologne. We cordially invite local group organizers from all over Germany.

The program will be varied: Leisure activities, co-working, lectures and the foundation of the German Effective Altruism Network.


Date: 03 - 06 October 2019
Location: Cologne, Germany
Registration form: https://www.survey3.uni-koeln.de/index.php/888967
Costs: from 100€ incl. food and overnight stay
Target group: Organizers of local groups; people who want to help the EA movement in Germany to grow
Contact: info@eakoeln.de

Why this event?

The weekend meeting serves the exchange between German local groups. We want to exchange ideas, metrics and strategies in order to do good together. This is easier if we know each other better and help each other to establish Effective Altruism more strongly in Germany.


- Establish contact between EA local groups.
- Reflection on the work of local groups in Germany.
- Establish the German Effective Altruism Network.
- Spend a nice time together.


This is our preliminary timetable. Blocks are likely to move.

- Arrival
- Leisure activities (hiking/walking tour/ EA scavenger hunt or museum in bad weather)
- Party I (Bar / Club)

- Arrival
- co-working
- 1-on-1's (and X-on-X's)
- Socials and normal CB stuff / Community Building Co-Working / ...
- round of interviews
- Kickoff Lecture
- Dinner together

- Everything about the German Effective Altruism Network
◦ Why this network
◦ What has happened so far and what will happen next?
◦ Working groups
◦ Planning the future together
- Participant contributions (on topics such as best practices, outreach, community health, ...)
- Foundation of the association German Effective Altruism Network.
- GEAN Party II

- Joint Meditation
- participant contributions
- feedback session
- Farewell / Departure
- (Dinner together)


- Arrival is possible until Saturday morning.
- As far as money is left over from the event, it will benefit the German Effective Altruism Network.
- We are also very happy about financial support! Please contact us.
- If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to info@eakoeln.de.